
Monday, January 27, 2014

How does Austen present the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth? Novel : Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen

How does Austen present the relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth?Awargonness of social military machine position is a central theme of the novel. The ? assumption and parti pris? of whatever(prenominal) Darcy and Lizzy, and the strong-willed stubbornness of their personas make them an unlikely match. However, Austen begins to show how, disdain ?the insufficientity of her connections?; Lizzy?s superior intellectuality makes her an ideal companion for Darcy. Austen portrays Lizzy?s supercilious nature by means of her response to Mr. Darcy?s appeal for a dance. On approaching Lizzy, Darcy asks her to ?seize?the opportunity of dancing a reel?, to which she replies that she ?know[s]? the spiteful motive behind his impec washstandt bid ? ?that he might come the pastime of disdain [her] sample?. Her complete confidence and self assurance in her take intellectuality here, gives the assumption an exacting and proud tone. She continues: ?I continuously pleasure in overthrowing those?schemes, and cheating a person of their deliberate contempt.? here we can see her pompous and prejudiced military emplacement towards Darcy; she believes that she ?understand[s]? him ?perfectly?; the irony is that we as the reviewer know Darcy?s request to be genuine. Her use of the verb ?I always capture in?? gives her reply an utmost(a)ly arrogant air, as if she is so intellectually superior that the process of seeing through Darcy?s request is like a game to her. On the whatever another(prenominal) hand the intelligence agency ?overthrowing? shows that she is taking this intellectual participation quite an seriously. There is a subtle irony withal in her accusation. She sees his offer as ?premeditated contempt? when in accompaniment it is her who is prejudging the situation. Also, Lizzy believes she has beaten Darcy by ?overthrowing? his plan but the particular that her conceited, close childish prejudgment is completely wrong and somewhat unpr ovoked, gives Darcy a subtle victory and mak! es the reader begin to have some sympathy for Darcy. The unfairness of Lizzy?s assumption alters the reader?s allegiance between the two characters. By contrastive look across Bingley?s childish, somewhat desperate attempts to get out Darcy?s solicitude with the reserved, subtly flirtatious temperament of Elizabeth, Austen shows how Lizzy is to a greater extent suited for Darcy than his kinda shallow admirer. We are told how Miss Bingley is more than ?engaged in watching Mr. Darcy?s progress through his book, as in reading her own?which she had only elect because it was the second passel of his?. Her attempts to emulate Darcy?s behaviour seem sooner sycophantic or crimson childish and this emphasizes the important incident that although she is on the same social aim as Darcy, intellectually she is remote below him. The irony here is that, although Lizzy is socially inferior to them; she is off the beaten track(predicate) intellectually superior to Miss Bingley and on an equal aim to Mr. Darcy. Despite her unfair accusations and rather arrogant attitude towards Darcy, we can clearly see that he has a definite respect for Lizzy?s strong-minded nature. He ?had never been so capture by any woman as he was by her? and yet he feel a ? risk of paying Elizabeth too much attention?; he ?really believe[s]? that if she was not so socially inferior, ?he should be in some danger?. The repeated use of the word ?danger? shows how his pride is quiet strong enough for him to be worried around the effect she might have on his social status. It could similarly show how he, being a intellectually superior character of the novel himself, recognises her sharp-mindedness and feels intimidated or even threatened by the presence of someone on a similar level to himself. To conclude, instead of offending Darcy, Lizzy?s extreme self-confidence and groundless rudeness somehow attracts him and her intellectual qualities are emphasized by the contrast between her and Darcy?s other choice: the ? tatty civility? of Miss B! ingley. However, he is still proud and feels that openly admiring Elizabeth could put his social standing in considerable ?danger?. Bibliography:Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen If you lack to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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