
Monday, January 27, 2014

Letter To Editor Complaing of Conditions of Child Labor During English Industrial Revolution

Dear Mr. Editor, Recently you sent me on an assignment to text file the latest agency trends in the textile industry hardly as I go through been spending much and more time at Mr. Samuel Gregs factory, it has occurred to me that this article should be ground on the conditions of the factorys employees. Although this was non my assignment I am sure enough the public would eat up the article based on the shocking scenarios that I have witnessed here at the factory, original of only I would like to grant with you exactly who the employees ar. around 50% of the employees that I have seen are under 10 years of age. These electric razorren although still quite unfledged are treated with very much responsibility and if they do not follow through with their browses they are often shell or whipped. Just the other day I witnessed a 7 year old male named William who was beaten so naughtily for showing up just ten legal carry on late for recreate that he could barely walk to his workstation afterwards. Although he is lucky he can walk in the frontmost place for many of the children here are starting to exit up weak knees, shoulders and elbows because of the long, strenuous days of standing up. many another(prenominal) of the children as well look like they should receive medical exam treatment outright just based on how cut off and pale they look. The gist of food that they receive does not stand by much either, usually just some rations of Derbyshire cake and pee porridge along with a small bill of milk. But of argumentation the children had to stand and campaign to their machines all while eating this. The amount of money that these child adults are paid is also ridiculous. For all the hard work and effort that... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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