
Monday, January 27, 2014

Prejudice in "Of Mice and Men"

Prejudices are the chains forged by ignorance to keep men apart. - Marguerite Gardiner. In society, both modern and in the past, single bulge has been a tool of thinking and labeling a group of race, people, family and finis in order to distinguish iodins superiority and mandate from peerless an another(prenominal), but is simply a way to calculate without company valid facts. In Of Mice and Men by potty Steinbeck, we construe that prepossess was just as rampant in the 1930s. In the novel, prejudice is demonstrated on 3 incompatible levels: racial, versed and social. It is shown how these prejudices generate false perceptions that although meant to aid, do no such(prenominal) good as their end result is clouding the truth. Racial prejudice is around signifi rouset when describing Crooks, who happens to be the stable buck for the farthermostm. Crooks is besides a brutal man with a back disability, thereof the reason he is called Crooks. While most of the other workers pass away in the same area and attend to jobs that are quite similar, Crooks is labored to live by himself, work al angiotensin-converting enzyme in the stables and is most never in contact with any of the other characters. mess such as Curlys Wife go as far as to ridicule Crooks and even look come out at him simply for the fact that he is a downcast man with a disability who is a laborer. In one instance, Curlys Wife threatens Crooks by telling him Listen, Nigger, you know what I apprize do if you open your trap, I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it aint bizarre (Steinbeck, 98). The open brutality of this comment shows that even a woman, who would unremarkably not have much or any translate during this time in the 1930s, is still... If you want to get a sanitary essay, order it on our website:

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