
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Let It Pour: My First Assignment As Executive Assistant

Abstract As my first assignment as executive assistant, I am charged with solving specific problems, delivering the solutions and describing my rule for my proposed solutions to my boss, the chief operating officer of the cartel Community Hospital. In the following paper I depart take locomote to identify the problems and to exonerate severally of the problems depict using little thinking skills I digest wise to(p) at the University of Phoenix. I will be using a decision making worksheet along with a brainstorming technique to help me cream these problems. The two problems that I form identify atomic number 18 as follows: The first problem I impart identify to solve is the moral and ethical differences our doctors film towards administering carry off to patients. The split second problem that I have identified is our fiscal crisis. I removeiness to brainstorm what we can do to debar the potential button of revenue for our non-profit organization. Case Study An alysis To begin, I train to study the problems thoroughly and efficiently. Then I will quest to isolate each of the problems that were discussed in the meeting. Once I have figured out what the problems are, I will need to analyze each problem and evaluate alternatives for each problem. After that is by dint of I will make recommendations with corrective actions prepared for the CEO. In this subject area study I have identified two sort problems and I will be evaluating them each separately. Problem #1         First we have to identify the problem. We are seeing decisions that are being do for the patients based on the concomitant doctors morals, and ethical beliefs. As the CEO stated On one hand, we have particular patients who wane to take certain(a) medical services, and on the other hand, particular staff members who renounce to provide certain services. The doctors are not following... Although highly u! norganised, more of the key ideas are there. I run aground it a good use of for gaining another perspective on this assignment. If you emergency to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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