
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Emp Motivation

K.J.Somaiya institute of management studies and research Case Study on Deshbandhu enterprisingness trope: Priya Shetty Roll No. 48 PGDM-C Deshbandhu Enterprise Executive summary: Mr. Mayur Deshbandhu is the head of Deshbandhu Enterprise, a venture which is into the stemma of Oils and fats, Breakfast/Snack food and applied science items. They hold on their Breakfast and snack food under the leaf mark name clap. After enjoying the market leader source in the 70s, the brand today faces stiff joust from its competitors who are offering the same product at a lower price in the market because of which the applaud sales has been showing a negative trend. Through this case we are trying to study and analyze the roadblocks the brand is facing and bawl out corrective measures for the same. SWOT Analysis: Strengths: * BRAVO is a familiar brand in the hoidenish from the 70s * sinewy guest base of customers from Hospitals and hostels and 50% of the en tire sales light from them. * BRAVO is a well-known brand in the country from the 70s. Weakness: * The product does not have a heading in the Southern and the Western part of the country. * harvest-home visibleness is low in the retail stores where it is distributed. * The companys dispersion network is not upto the mark with tie-ups with solo 15 distributors across the country. * Advertisement of the product is not consistent. * The attribute of the product is not up to the mark. * Retail kinship in terms of shores, incentives and rewards is not maintained properly as compared to BRAVOs competitors. * The promotion of the brand is not sufficiently done. Threats: * Consumers buy whatever is sold to them by the retailer without often partake on what brand is handed over to them. * uniform and backing products are available at a cheaper range with much visibility. * Bigger players are offering many rewards, i ncentives and correct margin rates to the..! .If you want to get a bountiful essay, site it on our website:

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