
Thursday, February 6, 2014


R.I.P those should that gave up on their future , their life and their goals . To those that couldnt handle the wo(e) , they went trow apiece mean solar day and for those that ar trying but soft losing foretaste ... It gets better . blusterous get worst every(prenominal) passing day and students fear grows bulling is just another level to a churl development , but its not goonrag is not meant for anyone nor anyone has to go trow this ! consequently bullying need to be put to rest , punching , pestilential and verbal insults damages souls, need of school means no future ,and depression , solicitude can led up suicide . There are so many slipway to end bullying wholly that its needed is time and understandings . failure , nerd , worthless, fat and lean ,this is an example of things said by bullies to hurt their victims . Bullying is unwanted, combative behavior among children ages that involves a genuine or perceived personnel imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the strength to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as make threats, spreading rumors, attacking soulfulness physically or verbally, and excluding soulfulness from a group on purpose. There are to rather of victims : passive and recessive victims . unresisting victims are usually shitless of budgeing back ,and aviod acquire hurt. recessionary victims tend to fight back and also bully others to let the anger come forth . Kuther staits passive victims : avoids confrontation , is physically slight, quite ,does not devil others and does not defend him or herself from the bully ... Recceive victims : less everyday to passive victims they provoke attacks by being aggressive , dissipated ,argumentative and anotogonizing towards bullies and other children and retaliates when s/he is bullied ,( pg.1-2 ¶5&6). Passive victims are the more common and first base to be targeted by the bullies because its less work f or the Reccesive victim . Recessive victim! s are the stems of a new bully that need to be pulled in to creation before its to...If you want to get a full essay, assign it on our website:

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