
Friday, January 24, 2014

Texting and Driving

As if campaign with distraction wasnt dangerous enough, put a teenager with a cell phone behind the roulette wheel and it gets much worse. Vehicle crashes argon one of the sack up causes of closing for 15-20 grade olds (Thomas, 2009). Emma Vieira, 19, of Colchester, Vermont, left a woman in a coma and killed a dog as a issue of an accident back in August of 2011. Vieira was give instruction texting at the era of the accident. About 6,000 deaths are caused by disconcert drivers every year (Merchant, 2012). Many people, novice teen drivers and honest-to-god experienced drivers alike, do not record the law of no texting time movement serious enough. Texting while driving should be avoided at wholly cost because it takes a drivers prudence end of the alley, it is dangerous to the public, and it throne result in life c break consequences. Drivers often carry through non-driving activities that divert their attention from driving. This could be from conversing with a passenger, dialing or hanging up a cell phone, or having a phone conversation (Singh, 2010). When drivers are busy reading, drafting, or sending a text essence they are not bountifuly salaried attention to their surroundings. Texting while driving causes a 400 part increase in time spent with eyes off the road (Thomas, 2009). Anything, at any time could happen and it could slow happen in the few seconds drivers eyes are on their phone or else of the road. Teens tend to be the group with the virtually risky driving habits (Thomas, 2009). Emma Vieira of Colchester, Vermont, happened to be one of many teens to text while driving. She glowering her attention from the road to her phone for except a few seconds and in that time she hit a woman and her dog. At 30 mph, Vieira had about five seconds to regain and avoid Drewniak yet failed to see the woman even as she hit her (Ryan, 2012). Texting and a lack of attention caused Vieira to endanger another(prenominal) persons lif e. A Melbourne Monash University study inst! al that young drivers who text take their eyes off the road four times more...If you need to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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