
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Prioress And The Wife Of Bath

The Canterbury Tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the greatest works of linear perspective of the late fourteenth century. This book describes a pilgrimage of 30 people, who are going to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. Among the 30 pilgrims, there are two significant characters who reveal us inspiration about the medieval society, and they are the pose superior and the Wife of Bath. Through analyzing their characters differences and similarities, we are able to jut out the perspicacity of the society at that time. The mother superior is the head of conical buoy, who true a great deal of respect. She can sing the nobleman service salubrious and in like manner moderate in manner so more. She too some(prenominal) frolic in proper etiquette. She eats a insect distinctness every time, ensure that no drop will settle on her breast. We can tell that she concerns much on how she behave. What produce this nun so special is th at, she has tender care toward animals more than to human. She was so charitable and so plenteous of pity that she would announce out if she saw a mouse caught in a noose and dead or bleeding. The Prioress likes animals so much that she ever so feel pity on them. She was excessively very unstinted to animals, feed them with roast meat, or take out and fine dent which at that time are bet as a kind of luxury food. From this, we can desist that the Prioress is tight enough to buy meat for animals.The Prioress pay attentions on her appearance so much, that a nun usually has a mere(a) outlook. However, for the Prioress, she wears green coral prayer beads which hung a agreeable golden brooch, that opposed the expectation of simple lifestyle. Her nose well-shaped; her look bright as glass; her sassing very small, and around the bend and red: and indeed she had a fine forehead. Chaucer described she is genuine looking and has a typically feminine face. Furthermore, she ca res much on her status, she spoke French wel! l and properly after the instill of Stafford-at-Blow- for the French of Paris was little-known to her. Revealing that she tired to...If you loss to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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