
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Victimless Crimes

A man chooses to memorize cocaine. He understands the risks he is taking, and he believes that taking the cocaine is worth the risk. Should he be aloneowed to take the drug? Or should the government force him to abstain from it, in his own interest? He is not hurting anyone exactly himself, so why should there be a law of nature against it? This debate has raged since the beginning of civilization. J. S. Mill, in his Essay on Liberty, takes the model that is commonly accepted: the government should not interfere with matters that do not involve more than one person. These matters atomic number 18 frequently called victimless crimes. Mill - along with the majority of people in todays military man - claims that if a person commits a crime against his or herself, such(prenominal) as harming the body by taking certain drugs or suicide, the person should not be prosecuted. The argument is that no different person is affected. All involved parties consent to the arrangement, so they should be responsible for whatever happens. A few common victimless crimes are harlotry, taking harmful drugs, and suicide. These are perceived as having no negative effect on anyone but the people who concord to accept the negative effects. In reality, all victimless crimes cause problems for another(prenominal) members of society. J. S.

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Mill did not understand that victimless crimes do not really exist.
Prostitution is one of the most debated of the victimless crimes, because the US has been slow in adopting it legally. Only ten Nevadian counties out of the entirety of the 50 linked States have passed laws that legalize prostitution, while in Holland prostitution is a recognized occupation. Holland even has a union for prostitutes. It is argued by proponents of legalized prostitution that the business is a victimless crime. Both parties agree to take all risks involved when they enter the business agreement. The view in opt of legalized prostitution is uninformed. A prostitutes terms are often violate by the customer, or by the prostitutes...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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