
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Briefly Describe the Part Played by Monasteries in Medieval Medicine

Briefly hound the part played by monasteries in medieval care for (5)
The monasteries put a lot of belong into having lightheaded water. They were often built near rivers so they could put on the water to wash away waste and to give themselves clean drinking water. They stayed healthy because of the clean water so, they could study medicine in their spare time, in case they became ill.
Briefly describe the main medical treatments used by doctors in the halfway Ages. (5)
Medicines in the Middle Ages were made from herbs, spices and resins. The medicine was applied in drinks, pills, washes, baths, rubs and ointments. They used sweet-smelling herbs such as rose, lavender, sage, and bay. They did very elemental surgery like removing bladder stones. Medieval surgeons besides gain how to use wine as an antiseptic
Why did the Ancient Greeks arrange more progress in medicine than pack in the Middle Ages? Explain your answer (8)
Religion had a wide hinder in the middle ages because they believed God caused illness, so they wouldnt look for separate cause. So they couldnt improve on treatments, as God sent the illness, all you had to do was pray. then you would be cured. They also believed Galen was right, so there was no demand to shape other cures.

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So nobody tried to find out more about the body, they just accepted Galens theories.
How did people in the Middle ages explain the Black finis? (7) (2010)
Medieval people had many theories about what caused the Black Death. legion(predicate) thought that it was sent from God; maybe as a punishment for their sins (this caused the Flagellants- people who whipped themselves, and thought this would take away their Planets were also blamed. Many other groups, such as the Jews, were also blamed. Jews and other minority groups were killed in some villages. Bad smells in the airmanship are just some of the other things that medieval people blamed the Black Death on.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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