
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Black and Feminist Rights

Lorenzo Alvarez
Political science 150
Thurs 6:30- 9:15
Research story #2
In America in that respect has always been some word form of in tallyity. For a country that is supposed to have equal rights, in that respect has always been some sort of unfairness against a plastered race and or gender. An example would be African American, they were slaves to the whiteness people, they had no freedom, and no civil rights, another example would be women. Women werent fitting to get certain job in the past because of their gender. Also they werent able to vote, or level off be part of congress. In my opinion blacks males had more equal rights than women. This essay will be discussing about the Black civilian Rights and the Feminist Movement. For what differences and similarities they had with each other.
The Black Civil Right was to demote African Americans their freedom and rights. Blacks didnt have any rights to begin with the movement. They were just slaves to the white people and they had to follow many rules. later on slavery was abolished blacks were able to go to school. But the schools were segregated so blacks werent able to go to white people school. Everything was passably much segregates from: restrooms, drinking fountain and even the buses, blacks werent able to sit in the front they had to give up there seat to the whites. Later in the Brown v.

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Board of development of Topeka the Supreme Court came to that the segregation of races in the general schools violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment (Bardes 152). integrity leader that used non-violence to get their voices heard was Martin Luther King younger He used the nonviolence methods to gain wider public toleration of their cause. (Bardes 154). The Black
Civil Right gave black these rights and freedom: forbid arbitrary distinction in voter registration. It barred discrimination in public accommodations, such as hotels and restaurant, which operations that disturb interstate commerce. It authorized the federal government to bring suits to...If you fatality to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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