
Friday, March 29, 2013

Analysis of Second Presidential Debate

Analysis of Second Presidential palisade

The Second Presidential Debate was held on October 7, 2008 at Belmont University, Nashville, Tennessee. Senator Obama calls the current monetary crisis worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. He criticizes the failed economic policies of the last eight years, strongly promoted by President Bush and supported by Senator McCain. He disagrees with Senator McCain the fact that the fundamentals of the economy were sound. He says that the sorrygest problem in this whole process was the deregulation of the financial system. He questions Senator McCains belief that deregulation is the way free economy works. He says that we still have an archaic 20th-century regulatory system for 21st-century financial markets. He protrudelines his policy to provide a middle syllabus taxation cut to 95 percent of working Americans and criticizes Senator McCains $300 trillion tax cut of which $200 billion of it goes to the largest corporations. He alleges Senator McCains campaign chairmans firm to be a lobbyist on behalf of Fannie Mae. Senator McCain on the other hand says that he would order the depositary of the treasury to immediately buy up the bad family unit loan mortgages in America so that people are able to make their mortgage payments and retain their homes.

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He accuses Senator Obama and his friends in Washington of making risky loans and giving them to people who could neer afford to pay back. He accuses Senator Obama to be the second highest pass receiver of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac money in history. Senator McCain criticizes Senator Obamas liberal big spending recording in the US Senate and his involvement in pork barrel projects. Senator McCain explains his record of bipartisanship and says that the situation today cries out for bipartisanship. He attacks Senator Obamas bipartisan record alleging that he never voted against party lines. Senator McCain wants to give every American a $5,000 refundable tax credit whereas Senator Obama wants a 50...If you want to get a extensive essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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