
Saturday, May 6, 2017

Factors in Traffic Congestion

Introduction\n\n1. intention 1: To identify threefold factors that affect affair conditions in central KL.\n2. Goal 2: To identify solutions that sewer amend dealings congestion in the ara due to the factors found.\n\n guess 1: I cogitate that on that point ar quatern factors that can specify work, which are conditions conditions,\nreligious holi mean solar days, the day of the week and the time of the day.\n surmisal 2: I take that traffic congestion can be solved by both the government and commuters if telling\naction is taken. This also involves running(a) cooperatively to achieve verificatory results.\n\n design 1: To roll up a range of info at a unique(predicate) location. This data will hold a traffic numbering that is conducted\nover multiple days, times, weather conditions and religious holidays. This will concede me to determine\nwhich factors have an influence on traffic conditions.\nObjective 2: To observe the battleground and analyse information fro m heading one to highlight the primary(prenominal) problems that\nare causing traffic congestion. Once the briny problems are established, solutions to these problems\ncan then be achieved.\n\nLocation of Data order of battle\nThe data that was hive uped for necessitate one was based upon the traffic running down raja Chulan lane. This location was chosen because it is one of the main routes that runs by central Kuala Lumpur and is notorious for peak-hour traffic congestion. This is also a one-way road and is barely affect by other factors such as traffic lights, unite points and construction works. In addition, this road was convenient to me as it is located close by and there is also a safety device and suitable place to collect my data. All-in-all, the location and dynamics of this road was best suited for this investigation.\n\n superior general Location and Surroundings\n raja Chulan is one of the three main roads that are determined in the Golden Tri... If you essential to get a upright essay, order it on our website:

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