
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Speech on God and Talents

U warble Your Talents for matinee idol Notes to Self: world-class: develop 1st scripture reference: 1st Timothy 4: 14 second: Move into message few Talents we whitethorn build ar: * Singing * Painting * Writing * public lecture * Technology * Sports You defy other geniuss as well that you whitethorn not consider about being a talent some of which are: * Making concourse feel happy. * ------------------------------------------------- version stories to a jr. sibling, child, or grandchild ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Personal Story: pull through Christmas I had the right with some of our kids, youth, and adults to go Christmas caroling to people in our confederacy! ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- I remember back choke Christmas: Ms. Patsy telling, Marsha, I got the best Christmas gift ever! Some of the church members came and sang Christmas carols, it was a true blessing! ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- I also adjourn going to Ms. Ines Fendleys home were we good made her twenty-four hour period by scarce coming to see here and sing songs Praise our God and visiting with her! ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- As you heard, we as Christians have talents that we dont realize are talents, and are talents that have, can, and go forth inspire God!!! ------------------------------------------------- (summary of Scriptures= what it means to me) Text: *English quantity interpreting* 1st Timothy 4:14 succinct: Do not neglect the gift that God has apt(p) You. James 1:17 Summary: Every dependable and perfect is from above, and comes experience from the Father of lights. Everything comes f rom God, whether its good or poisonous it c! omes from Him and He of necessity to receive the Honor, Glory, and Praise! Romans 12:3-8 Summary:...If you want to ca-ca a full essay, order it on our website:

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