
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Legalize It

I believe that the legalization of cannabis should be for either matchless in America above the age of 16, it is a plant and it is not man made. The economy is in debt for over 12 meg dollars and if they legalize it for mint above 16 it would bounce bet on up, but of course it would core out in to be sold by dealers at marijuana dispensaries. More than 24 million large take calculate to tried marijuana and like it, it is Americas number one cash crop and has provided them millions of dollars in revenue enhancement every year. Marijuana is a plant smoked by people for over 15,000 years. The Mayans did it, the Egyptians did it, and it is legal in Amsterdam and in that respect is no problems in that country for said reason. No one has ever died of a marijuana overdose, doctors and medical leaders have seen the affects and have conclude it you would have to smoke 24 ounces in under one hour. If Marijuana was legalized especi each(prenominal)y for the age aggregation o f 16 then police officers could focus more on more dangerous and deadly drugs and murders and robberies. With the legalization of marijuana the facile lost from catching pot smokers would have been remade by alone the incoming money. If they had stores that sold marijuana baked goods and marijuana itself they would agnise so much money. There would be fewer problems in America and people would be satisfied and not in a bad way(p) about the police coming to hurt them and throw away(predicate) at that place spent money. Illegal dealers would lose all their customers because the toll would go down because it would be grown more. Farmers would have to have a growing permit and you could only buy trusted amounts at the stores, you will need your identification scanned and approved. Also people that argon in trouble for smoking will be released and for selling illegally would have to go through some other(a) trial and lower their prison sentence. By 1998 every 38 seconds som eone was caught and processed for marijuana ! law. America would no long be in debt and would be one of the first countries to progress...If you indigence to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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