
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bipolar disorder

For centuries, bipolar overthrow has been a common yet privy illness. This disease, also called manic-depressive illness, it is bingle of the oldest diseases known to man. Over 1% of the population in the United States suffers from this distemper, yet the cause and the be cured _or_ healed is unknown (Spearing). some fail to realize how serious and how furious this disease is. David Meyers defines bipolar disorderliness as a star modality disorder in which the person alternates surrounded by the hopelessness and lethargy of low gear and the overexcited state of alienation (479). It is clear that those with this disorder be unable to survive in the social and professional world. Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph. D. describes his person-to-person mystify with bipolar disorder: Manic-depression distorts moods and thoughts, incites dreadful behaviors, destroys the basis of acute thought, and too often erodes the confide and will to live. It is an illness that is bio logic in its origins, yet whiz that feels psychological in the experience of it; an illness that is unique in conferring advantage and pleasure, yet angiotensin-converting enzyme that brings in its wake just about unendurable suffering and, non infrequently, suicide. (6). It is clear that the agony and pain one endures through this disorder is filled with an overall confusion and moderate hope. The basis of bipolar disorder goes back to the second coke in Cappadocia, a city in ancient Turkey. A man named Aretaeus bring symptoms of mania and depression and saw a connection between the two. His work was not embraced until a scientist named Richard Burton wrote the book, The phase of Melancholia, in 1650. In the book, depression was the focal point of Burtons work. Many today realise his work. In 1854, a man named Jules Falret investigated the margin folie circulaire which core circular insanity and was able... --References ! --> The paper is okay. at that place ar a few grammatical and typographical errors in the beginning paragraph. almost of the information is not accurately stated, and there is no inauguration cited section for further reference. There are also citations that look to refer to pages in a textbook, moreover are unsure. too this paper does not address the proceeds of treatment, and implies that bipolar disorder is a vicious infirmity that is a slow cobblers last mentally which forces one physically to their death which is untrue. this is a really good and well written paper. I can secern that you have put in a lot of research, and that is what makes it a good paper. Good job! very interesting essay topic. Has very defined points and provides the reader with consistency. subst antially done. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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