
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Discourse Analysis on a George Carlin's Performance

UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA PHILOLOGY AND FOREING LANGUAGES GRAMMAR II CARLOS ENRIQUE SÁNCHEZ REYES Practical Task: Analyzing lecture for sociocultural purposes George Carlins decennary Commandments was one of his most(prenominal) celebrated performances. Yet, it was at any rate one more show from many, during nearly forty diachronic period of career, in which he built himself a predict among the most popular stand-up comedians in the world. His routines were forever establish on his view on controversial topics such as authorities and theology. His particular use up of Black conception to refer to these entities of monastic order and the wide diffusion of his personal manner through different media gave him the opening move to attract bad audiences to his shows and to a large following. In gaze to his view on religion, he could have been defined as an unbelieving, (though he always rejected this label as he stated: the accompaniment of creation an Atheist itself means believe in something) and then it is clear that the crowd that attended The hug drug Commandments comprised mainly Atheist people or at least(prenominal) people whom differed from Catholicism. Undoubtedly, these people were known with Black Humor and the use of explicit words in stand-up comedy, two paint features of Carlins shows.
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The Ten Commandments brave performance took place in New York in 2001, more exactly, in the Beacon Theatre. This memorial will analyze The Ten Commandments with regards to pragmatics, Critical Discourse epitome and Building Tasks. When listening to the show, it is discernable that the speaker is Carlin and that the hearer is the au dience. With this information, it is likely! to infer that the situational context is the theatre, where the comedian performs his act on the power point and the audience responds to it with approval, which is manifested in the form of applauses and laughter. It is obvious Carlin and the audience package cultural background signal knowledge about the topic that is being talked about: religion; more specifically the Ten Commandments. Probably...If you lack to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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