
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Racial Profiling in America. This is a look at a specific problem in policing today. The subject is Racial profiling during traffic stops

racial Profiling in America.                  In the past 10 days a regular occurrence has become a hassle threatening the very well-being and respectability of Americas licit philosophy departments. This bother is racial profile. Racial Profiling occurs in m any(prenominal) places entirely is greatly scrutinized and publicized in regards to trading stops. Racial profiling in traffic stops is a practice that is ravish under our constitutional rights and it is an un-Ameri foot g everywherenment agency of thinking to put only blacks, Caucasian, or Hispanics or any other ethnic base as a group of wrongdoers (Harris, 2001). It undermines the civil allege that jurisprudence organizations strive to maintain because racial profiling causes police organizations to be seen as un-trustworthy or that they atomic number 18 not beauteous to all people in their duties (Cleary, 2000). Racial profiling potbelly be defined in some(prenominal) different way s; some definitions are more powerful than others are.         One green definition of racial profiling is, the police use of endure as the sole basis for initiating police enforcement activities. (Meehan and Ponder; 2002 p.2) By this definition, for an activity to count as racial profiling the police officers motive or intent to disunite mustiness be demonstratable.
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The actions of an officer are not to be ground on race, alone rather on how the individual was acting or from education that would cause the officer to mastermind the individual as a culprit in wrong activity. However, racial profiling digest be extended come on by not curb the definition to the a ctions of police as being solely based on ra! ce. (Langworthy and Travis 1999 Pg. 422) Other factors can have an impact on a racially dark-skinned police officer that must be addressed. The officer may make a last to pull someone over because of their race and the neighborhood they are in or because of the character reference of... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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