
Friday, September 27, 2013

Article for school newspaper: "Non-heterosexuals deserve equality, too." Addresses the civil marriage issue.

All men atomic number 18 created lucifer-- unless of course you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transexual. They arent regular people, so they dont merit the same even offs as regular people, right? Wrong, but this seems to be the mindset of several(prenominal) Republican senators who are trying to pass a schnozzle that will amend the report so it defines matrimony as exclusively between a man and a woman. not only will same-sex and transgender couples not be allowed the uncomplicated merriment of calling one another husband or wife, but all other legalities that go along with a cultured marriage (a marriage recognized by the government) uniform inheritence, tax deductions, health insurance benefits, and the right to throw off health check decisions, will be nonexistant. I build heard, as an explanation for these in seriousices, the averment of the fact that our countrys laws were founded on Christian principles and beliefs. Its those same Christian principles that d irect people to persecute many strong-minded women as witches and do slavery legal. The document that schematic drawing most of our laws, the Constitution, also established the separation of perform and state, divergence no room for perfection in the government or its decisions. A few phantasmal political leaders ready no right to affiance away millions of peoples human rights just because their religion does not approve.
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Same-sex and transgender couples are not demanding that they be allowed to sweep up in every church under every religious doctrine; they are just inquire that they be allowed the same right as every American: the right to a polished marriage and that it be ack nowleged as such. It is because of this fact! that the issue of civil marriages should not be roughly ones personal beliefs--it should be just about human rights. If this bill passes and the Constitution is amended, we might as comfortably amend... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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