
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


An Overview of is the art and science of dexterity representations of the Earth on matted surfaces . In other voice communication , it is the study and technique of devising social occasions or charts . china and Greece are considered the cradles of subprogram making receiv suitable their overflowing tale correspond to historical accounts , one of the oldest cognize comprises were made and hold by the Babylonians in 2 ,300 BC through tablets (Aber 2004 . fundament alto take outhery , act making was relatively in advance(p) among the Grecians as they already had an mood that the universe was polish and non flat . The premiere Greeks who were able to craft social occasions of the terra firma complicate , Ptolemy Herodotus , Anaximander , and Hecataeus of Miletus (Virga , 2007 . It was Anaximander who was the first Greek to bring on a map of the world , which he believed was cylindrical in form (Ehrenburg , 2005 . Although no close accounts can read the rent appearance of Anaximander s map as it was not conserve , Hecataeus , his successor , constructed another map 50 years afterward . According to Hecataeus , his map was basically a much-improved version of his successor s as it portrayed the world as a round casing with an Ocean encircling the commonwealth and Greece in the warmheartedness of the public (Ehrenberg , 2005 . Herodotus , on the other clear , described in his map the earth as irregularly-shaped with cardinal continents , Asia and Africa , which are the further lands environ by oceans , and Europe (Ehrenberg , 2005 . except , both Greek and roman cartography r distributivelyed a routine point when Ptolemy constructed a more accurate map with the sanction mathematics and uranology . essentially , he revolutionized the depiction of the earth on a map through a perspective projection employ a coordinate system much(prenominal) as the analogue and the longitude , to merely fix the position of geographical features of the earth (Virga , 2007 .
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Ptolemy s phonograph eternise atlas , Geographia , basically put the foundation of modern act as it included a list of place-names , with a target latitudes and longitudes , signs with legends , traditional orientation of atomic number 7 on the top , westward on the left , southwestward on bottom and east hemisphere on the dependable side of the map and a subdue , which are all beingness used in map making straightaway (Ehrenberg , 2005 . In other delivery , Ptolemy hardening the standards of the modern maps that being used todayIn chinaware , on the other hand , the soonest maps that were recovered and preserved employment rearwards to 4th deoxycytidine monophosphate BC . Most of these maps were pull on silk while nigh were to a fault printed on wooden blocks exploitation threatening ink (Virga , 2007 . The other remarkable events in China s history of cartography were during the Han dynasty , wherein maps showed military territories , and the Jin dynasty , wherein Pei Xu , who is similarly known as the China s Ptelomy became the first to use a plotted geometrical power system and graduated scale in to increase truth in estimating distance between locations (Ehrenberg , 2005 . but , during the Sui Tang , and meter dynasties , maps showed not only territorial bs but also each region s...If you want to get a full(a) essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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