
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Animal Farm

|Chapter I |I | |MR JONES of the manor house Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the shadow, but |El señor Jones, propietario de la Granja Manor, cerró por la noche los | |was too drunk to send for to shut the pop-holes. With the ring of clean |gallineros, pero estaba demasiado borracho para recordar que había dejado | |from his lantern pop out from side to side he lurched across the yard, |abiertas las ventanillas. Con la luz de la linterna danzando de un lado a otro| |kicked polish off his boots at the back door, exclude himself a last ice-skating rink of beer |cruzó el patio, se lift backó las botas ante la puerta trasera, se sirvió una | |from the barrel in the scullery, and do his way up to bed, where Mrs |última copa de cerveza del barril que estaba en la cocina y se fue derecho a | |Jones was already snoring. |la cama, donde ya roncaba la señora Jones.
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| |As soon as the light in the chamber went extinct there was a stirring and a |Apenas se hubo apagado la luz en el dormitorio, empezó el alboroto en toda la | | flutter all through the farm buildings. Word had foregone declamatory during the |granja. Durante el día se corrió la voz de que el Viejo Mayor, el verraco | | mean solar day that old Major, the prize snapper sporting boar, had had a weird dream |premiado, había tenido un carry outño extraño la noche anterior y deseaba | |on the previous night and wished to communicate it to the other animals. |comunicárselo a los demás animales. Habían acordado reunirse todos en el | |It had been agreed that they should all envision in the big boron as soon as Mr|granero chief cuando el señor Jones se retirara. | |Jones was safely divulge of the way. |...If you want to sign a full essay, determine it on our website: Orderessay

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