
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Queen Victoria

nance capital of Seychelles was one of Englands most famous and beloved monarchs who created an grow considered impossible to a few sentences: it was so varied, so dep give upable of paradoxes. An age of material splendor and technical advance (Drabble). During her cardinal year reign, she helped the British Empire to expand while the sore middle class god in luxury (Drabble). In improver to the prosperity, her era was also marked by unprecedented poverty, overcrowding and malady while British women and children worked long hours in appalling conditions in mines and factories (Drabble). Today, though, she ranks....with Elizabeth I, in public perception, as one of the countrys two great(p)est monarchs (Gascoigne 669).

        capital of Seychelles was born at Kensington Palace on whitethorn 24, 1819. Her parents were Edward the Duke of Kent and Victoire the Duchess of Kent (previously Victoire of Saxe Coburg Saalfeld before marriage). capital of Seychelles was born during an undignified heraldic bearing to provide replacements to the throne (Drabble 14). This was because of the demise in childbirth of Princess Charlotte in November 1817, alone daughter and heir to the prince regent George IV (Cannon 954). callable to her death, every one of King George IIIs seven sons (all of whom had illegitimate children) left hand field their wives and married women of purple blood to provide an heir to the throne. The Duke of Kent cursorily left his current wife with whom he had been....happily married for legion(predicate) long time and re-married to the Duchess of Kent. A year later capital of Seychelles was born. Having finish his duty, the Duke of Kent died a few months later of pneumonia.

         by and by the death of her father, capital of Seychelles was raised in a household almost solitary(prenominal) female and totally German (Cannon 954). As a light girl, she grew up intelligent and self-possessed (Cannon 954-5). Her daily feel include pony rides and playing with her one-hundred and thirty-two dolls. By age ten, her schoolhouse included run-in exercises, lessons in court decorum, discoverings from moralistically bowdlerized literature, and religious procreation (Weintraub 64) which she received from her governess and other tutors at Kensington Palace. In addition to her schooling, she read widely, spoke several 2 languages, sang well and pull competently, enjoyed music and the theatre. (Cannon 955). Victoria had two siss and one brother from her grow and fathers first marriage (none of them had one hundred percent royal blood, making them ineligible as heirs to the throne). Her favorite was her half sister Fedora (from her haves side) who she adored and spent most of her time with (Cannon 954).

        Victoria inherited the throne of Great Britain at the age of eighteen, upon the death of her uncle William IV in 1837 (Cody). The early geezerhood of her reign as female monarch were much influenced by her first prime minister, master key Melbourne (Gascoigne 669). Under his guidance, he helped to educate her as a queen and assisted in her decision making.

        In October 1839, Victoria was introduced to her cousin Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg Gotha (from her mothers side) in hopes that they capacity like each other and constitute married. One look at each other was copious (Cannon 955) for Victoria. Three days after they met, she proposed to him and they married the next year. tail Cannon of The Oxford Companion to British History draw Victorias invigoration as having three parts: before Albert, with Albert, and after Albert (954). Her undying love for him make her a model of wifely faithfulness (Drabble). Soon after Albert and Victoria were married, he replaced Melbourne as her headman advisor and became the main influence in all of her decisions (Cody). together they had m all triumphs including the Great Exhibition of 1851 which was responsible for a great deal of popularity later enjoyed by the British monarchy (Cody). It was housed in the lechatelierite Palace and was viewed by proud Victorians as a depository to their own cultural and technological achievements (Cody).

        In December of 1861, Victorias sterling(prenominal) tragedy occurred when Albert died at the age of forty-two after changeless months of exhaustion and illness; this began the third and last phase of her life (Cannon 954). subsequently his early and sudden death she dressed as a widow (Cannon 955) and traveled abroad simply at once a year making few public 3 appearances (Cody). Even without her beloved Albert, Victoria still had much or less of her superlative triumphs. The largest was her Golden Jubilee in 1887 followed ten years later by her Diamond Jubilee. Both were grand national celebrations that celebrated the 50 and sixty year anniversaries of (respectively) her reign as queen. Seven years after Albert died, she published her first book called Leaves from the Journal of our carriage in the alpestrines. In 1884 she released its follow up, More Leaves.

        In 1868, she prescribed Benjamin Disraeli as her Prime Minister. Disraeli became a very dear(p) friend to her because of his commitment to British empurpled interests (Gascoigne 669). In 1876, she succumbed to his cheering and permitted have her crowned Empress of India (Cody). To compensate him for his loyal service to England, she made him the Earl of Beaconsfield.

        She next put together comfort in the friendship of washbasin Brown a servant who she took everywhere (Gascoigne 669). As the Queens Highland Servant, Brown took orders from her alone and obeyed her every command (Weintraub 373). She once described him as a combination of groom, footman, page and maid, I might almost put, as he is so handy nigh cloaks and shawls.... He always leads my pony, and always attends me out of doors, and such a good, handy, faithful attached servant (Weintraub 291). After the press found out about John, legion(predicate) thought that the two were having an interest and began calling Victoria Mrs. John Brown. The real truth was that the birth between the two resembled a connection that a mother and her oversized, and somewhat simple foster son would have or else than a noble mistress and lowborn lover (Weintraub 375).

        After Johns death, she spent the rest of her life in seclusion only appearing in public for special occasions. She died a august old lady....on January 22, 1901, having reigned for sixty-four years (Cody 291). But Victoria left behind a legacy that would last forever by her children (and all of Britain). Her nine children provided by the time of her death forty grandchildren (thirty-one still a embody) and a further thirty-seven great- 4 grandchildren (Cannon 291). After she died, the majority of them held high ranking positions somewhere in europium including: Sweden, Norway, Spain, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, and Russia (Cannon 956). The tiny lady in the wheelchair was the matriarch of Europe (Cannon 291).

        Margaret Drabble, author of For Queen and Country: Britain in the Victorian Age described Victoria as a person that lived through many crises, two personal and national, so it is difficult to point out any one achievement or characteristic of her reign and say That is typically Victorian (7). Based on these achievements and the Victorian Age that she created, Victoria can be called a trend-setter. After Alberts death, her genuine precisely obsessive bemoaning....

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played an important role in the evolution of what would amaze the Victorian mentality (Cody). Her role as a inclined wife could be seen in any loyal women seen in Victorian paintings whose main task seemed to be to support and nurture their husbands (Cody). Victoria was also the first monarch to use the imperial we which is commonly used today to mock the English language (Cody).

        Over the years, Victoria has received positive criticism with a few exceptions. These exceptions were most evident with the critics of her time, who were responsible for many dry writings and political cartoons mocking the forty year peak that she mourned her husbands death. One modern-day critic, John Cannon, described the way she remained to the end a mass of contradictions?oself-centered yet considerate and dutiful; homy yet grand; excitable and passionate but with shrill judgment (956). In the introduction to Dr. Bruce Rosens Internet site, he mentioned a writer named Virginia Woolf who described Victorias mind as a radical commonplace, only in its inherited force, & cumulative sense of power, making it unparalleled (Rosen). Based on the different opinions of Victoria, she was a woman with a complex personality. In the end though, she was a living shape of a happy wife who (Drabble 27) could not bare to live without a husband.

5         Victoria was one of Englands greatest rulers and one of the most important people in history because of her many offspring. For example, in World War I one of her grand-sons was the British king, another the German Kaiser (Gascoigne 669). Today it is impossible to describe some form of English writing, art-work or furniture from the mid 1800s and on with-out using the word Victorian. Many people in Britain live in Victorian houses, go to Victorian schools, use letter-boxes, line stations, park benches that would have been familiar sites one hundred years ago (Weintraub 8). The novelist Henry James wrote after she died, I mourn the safe and motherly old middle-class queen, who held the nation lovesome under the fold of her big, hideous Scotch-plaid Shawl....I felt her death more(prenominal) than I should have expected (Cannon 956).

6 Famous Lines I will be good?oHer response when she was told (at age twelve) she was heir to the throne I am very young and possibly in many, though not in all things, inexperienced, but I am sure, that very few have more real good will and more real go for to do what is fit and right than I have.?oExerpt from a conversion in her diary, 1837 Alberts beauty is most striking, and he is so good-humoured and unaffected-in short, very fascinating....?oExerpt from a note she wrote to King Leopold the day she proposed to Albert We did not sleep much?oExerpt from her journal describing her wedding night 7 WORKS CITED Cannon, John, ed. The Oxford Companion to British History. spick-and-span York: Oxford University Press, 1997 Cody, David. Queen Victoria. hypertext transfer protocol:// victorian/un/victor6.html (21 Feb. 1999) Drabble, Margaret. For Queen and Country: Britain in the Victorian Age. New York: The Seabury Press, 1978 Gascoigne, Bamber, ed. Encyclopedia of Britain. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1993.

Rosen, Bruce. Queen Victorias World. Introduction. quframe.htm (21 Feb. 1999) Weintraub, Stanley. Victoria: An Intimate Biography. New York: Truman Talley Books, 1987

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