
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Organizational Behavior Trends

In today?s business landscape with the constant diversify and expansion of technology, organizations face ch altogetherenging and difficult respectable choices. Organizations should non only focus on making good decisions, it mustiness(prenominal) be made at the sort out way and at the right time.

Decision-Making Ethics and MoralityMorality plays an important role in honorable decision-making. Logically, moralistic lines should be clearly drawn and yet it is not uncommon to experience an ethical dilemma in the workplace. ?An ethical dilemma occurs when a person must choose among actions that oblation possible benefits while also violating ethical standards. Ethical decision-making refers to a process in which individuals trick freely marque a decision based on the evaluation of the interests of all parties when lining ethical dilemmas? (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). When faced with an ethical dilemma one must number ethical behavior, in other words, one must consider the decision that is morally good and right. However, not all managers subscribe to the concept of ethical behavior; these managers are termed humble managers.

An immoral manager will make decisions with out moral consideration for the sole purpose of personal advancement. Such decisions can range from performing favors for advancement to saving capital by dumping drums of toxic waste in to the ocean.

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Subordinates can be subject to immoral directives causing confusion between doing the right thing, possibly losing employment and following coiffures. For instance, an immoral manager expertness assign an employee to destroy incriminating documents. Subordinates can also make immoral decisions such as using the company?s Internet resource and technology to chat and browse unbefitting material during working hours.

?The immoral manager, by contrast, fails to consider the morals of a decision or behavior? (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2005). This failure to consider the ethics of a decision does not manifest from a desire to self-promote but...

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