
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Embyronic Stem cell research Evaluate Embyronic Stem Cell research..

Stem cell research is a new technique of ripening organs or segments of spinal cord from an embryo that could mayhap save lives. This essay will evaluate the method of base cell research. Stem cells atomic number 18 excludeed from unwanted embryos from infertile couples who atomic number 18 trying to conceive. Once the couples have had the treatment there atomic number 18 usually umteen embryos left even if they have many treatments. These are store in liquid nitrogen, but are usually destroyed due to equipment malfunction. To start the process of extracting a hold cell, they leave an embryo to grow until it has 140 cells. This is called a blastocyst. At this time the blastocyst does not contain a brain or nervous sy group but when they extract a stem cell, the embryo dies. Stem cells that are taken from the embryo are harvested to grow new; lungs, hearts, spinal cords etc.

        This new technology is very a very disputed as there are very good things that are d champion with this research, but also very bad things. To coif correctly you have to answer these questions;

A. Is an embryo at much(prenominal)(prenominal) an early stage considered a human life...?

B. If so is allowing the other unused embryo allowed to die a form of stillbirth?


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If it is not seen as a form of abortion, and the embryo is not considered a form human life than why such objections for embryonic stem cell research?

        To answer this you deal to know the benefits and drawbacks of stem cell research. The main benefit of stem cell research is that it could save peoples lives by a stem cell growing a new lung for a someone with lung cancer, or a new heart for someone with a heart condition could have a new one transplanted into...

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