
Friday, April 12, 2013


        Constitutional Parliamentary monarchy and absolutism are two styles of administration which came about in England and France respectively. However, who can say which one nisus of government is better or worse? John Lockes sentiment on government is that political causality is the power, which every humankind having in the state of nature, has given up into the give of society, and in that to the governors, whom society hath set over itself . . . (Locke) Bossuet, on the other hand, says that power is given from the grace of god. The ruler, or person with the power, is the minister of God.         The berth that morality has in government now is very clear, in that respect is a separation between the two. From the middle ages until recently religion had been a very strongly involved in government. In both Englands constitutional parliamentary monarchy and in Frances absolute monarchy religion played a big part in the government. The situations in France and England were much the same in that religion was controlling the government. In France, the Catholics and atomic number 1 II disliked the French Protestants. This continued with Henry IIs kin. This hatred of the Protestants led up to the Saint Bartholomews Massacre of imposing 24th 1572, where 3000 Huguenots were killed.

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Henry IV was made head of the Catholic Church in France, which still had a major ascertain in the decision of whom became king. With French Absolutism, the king is, appointed by God to rule over the kingdom as God would if He was here. Everything that the king does is done because God would have precious it that way. To question the kings/queens judgements or ideas would be to question God. It was seen as a perfect form of government, the consolidation of power in the hands of the divinely...

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