
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

America Revolution

Notes Hist 1020

-Sometimes called Era of European dominance -200 yr period when rest of world encounters European caters encounters Europe by choice or by force. Also Age of Revolutions b/c within first 100 yrs rev. in government/social/economics etc.
American, French, Haitian, Latin American, ( policy-making), Industrial (economic and worldwide).

Political Revolutions
-American Revolution
* Dec. of Independence, starts w/ We the People first time a colony say independence from an imperial power. Remarkable b/c prev 250 yrs more ppl around the world became dependent on imperial powers. This was a unusual and big deal..the first of its kind and will spark off?? other revolutions around the world.
* Ushered?? in political and cultural displacement in the Americas.
* Enlightenment ideas an intellectual mvmt that applied the methods and questions of the scientific rev to the study of human society.
* Major philosophical and political mvmt that challenged absolute monarchy, divine right and privilege.
* Will set re-create for modern era.

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* Ideas for Amer rev came from Enlightenment
* John Locke
* Rousseau
* Ben Franklin (may be more an American enlightenment thinker)
* Not divine right,
* Going against nobility or church hierarchy
* Human reason basis of authority
* Political power comes from ppl not privilege or divine institutions.
* Enlightenment produced patriotism and modern republicanism.
* John Locke 1960 argued life, liberty and property
* Right to knot when noble violates these rights.
* These ideas will influence decl. of independence
* 1776 American colonists expanded claims as Englishmen and expanded that to rights as universal manrights of Englishmen to rights of men
* Transcend geographical boundaries, appealed to other countries (ex. France)
* Global...If you want to get a full essay, browse it on our website: Orderessay

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